pome found among the ruins of last night
by Marie Countryman

"an old shoe, an old pot, an old skin"
adrienne rich

an old shoe an old pot an old skin
but no window to throw it in -
or is that out?
(that pot to piss in i cuss about)
my whole life is inside out
all nerves exposed, and
the feel of decay of
the old shoe
the old pot
in my old skin.

my nerves are outside my skin
my life turned inside out
outside in
upside down and
round again

to live to age's own conclusion,
or to decide to choose my end?

life seems of late a waiting room
twist birth and death
with increasing meaninglessness

i, who have re-invented myself
my life
over and over
inside in inside out
upside down and back about

all to view
this old pot, this old shoe
wearing this old skin,
contemplating this life's end.

march 1, 99