along the tao
by Ashley Alvis

in the tao is a way unspoken,
 but in the speaking of it
  we walk its path
   in the doing of it
  we are its ways
 in the knowing  of it
we are pure and unblemished ignorance.

the tao is the way of the naive
 it is the native reality
  not of birth but prior,
    of conception.

before there was the labor of birth
 there was the ecstatic moment
  of conception, unwitnessed.

it was a dry thing  as far as the world could see
 a non-thing
  becoming    some thing(s),

the unravelling of the truth
 into but one of its lefts and rights
  and reassembling of it again  quite
   the same, yet different
  into newborn truth.

rare the soul who can discern the differences
 between the parent(s) and this child
  and yet it is the difference
   between a point with  no reality
  (other than  the belief that is does have location)
 and the ALL in which that nothingnest is located
in the fabric of the original creation of all universes.